Thursday, January 21, 2010

this just in: YouTube Swallows

There will be a recap of Grumpfest Seattle coming up soon. It will take a little while for us three (Booze, Grump, Buss) to piece together the details and to form a complete story. a story that we'll stick to no matter how hard we're grilled by the authorities. One quick thing i can tell you though, it was fun! Also, we really missed our other UCBitches. Hope to do it again real soon.

Okay, now that i got that out of the way, I just heard that Sebi (monsterbazz) on Youtube, had his channel suspended because of copyright issues. That sucks major nards and i totally feel for homeboy. I hope he gets his channel back up because he's really good and stuff. I mean, reallllly good and he's a super nice guy too.

While I read on the forums that people are freaking out about the possibility of their videos being pulled or their channels shut down, I wondered what I would do if it were to happen to my channel. I'm not fearful that it will happen and to be honest, would be kind of relieved if it did. Since i started playing ukulele and posting videos on Youtube, I feel like it has consumed my life. I spend much more time posting and watching Youtube videos than with any other hobby I've had in my life (and that includes math, and as Booze and Grumpy know, I fuckin' love math!!). Youtube has swallowed up all my free time. Watching and commenting on subscriptions is like a full time job, but with no pay and the only fringe benefits being the occasional hate mail I receive. Between that and my job, I have very little time left to do the things I used to enjoy so much, like sit on the couch and rot.

So anyway, if Youtube wants to be a little bitch and take my channel, please give me a week's heads up so I can download all my videos and re-upload them to a more friendly medium, like Betamax tapes. Free time, here I come!



My sincere wish is that Youtube had a very cut-and-dry, clear policy on what is and is not allowed in the form of song covers. Why is one musician's channel banned while others who do as many covers continue uninterrupted?

The fact of the matter is that it's all random. All of us UCBers have covers on their channels. We're all at risk of losing them.

Today, we're all Monsterbazz.


Boozelele said...

That is what happens when you get too good. No one will ever confuse my half-assed covers with the originals, nor will anyone ever want to listen to my crap over the originals. Not so with Sebi. Many of his versions are BETTER than the originals....

That really blows though. He put a lot of work into his stuff.

DeG said...

I'm bummed for Sebi, Luckily, my covers suck so hard they are unrecognizable, so I think I'm safe...

Unknown said...

Yes. That is a very poetic post tag and I laud you for it.

Mugambismonkey said...

YouTube seems to be under a lot of pressure. Viacom has been trying to sue YouTube to pay 1 Billion US $ since 2007 because many movies have appeared on YouTube that belonged to Comedy Central, MTV, etc. As I understand it, YouTube is in fact VERY CLEAR about its policy: "Don't upload what's not your own!" I have read this several times and ignored it - just like most other users have... So, I think, YouTube is not to blame for this. Let us hope that their service will remain free and that they don't have all of our accounts suspended one day!

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