Monday, September 27, 2010

Finish the job!

During the Ukulele Underground tour visit over the weekend, Coyote and I polished off a bottle of Hendrick's gin and about 90% of this corn whiskey. Somebody needs to come back and finish the job.


Little 6ster said...

Where is the waiting list? i want to sign up!

Baron said...

As much as would love to visit your place, I know for a fact that that Georgia Moon is vile stuff. We have had a bottle at work for over a year, and at that place a bottle seldom survives over lunch break...

Grumpy Coyote said...

For the record - I gave it my best. You passed out first.

Followed by me having a long conversation with your bathroom fixtures about the merits of novelty liquor.

Good lord that stuff is terrible. It actually ate the finish from your coffee table.

RussBuss said...

@6ster: there is no waiting list. come on down!

@Baron: it was really nasty but grumpy bought it so we couldn't let it go to waste. very interesting to see they sell that crap in sweden too. wtf?

@Coyote: it's true, you were a saint for not taking advantage of me after i passed out. i woke up without penises draw all over my face with a permanent marker. maybe a little goo though.

Baron said...

They don't sell it in Sweden - my work buddy Mikael brought it from the states. I don't even think it would be legal here. For a while we tried to finnish it up by forcing ourself to have a swig a day after lunch, but we had to give it up - it's too nasty.

Grumpy Coyote said...

The funny part is, I bout it as a prop for videos. I had no intention of drinking it.

It just sort of happened.

RussBuss said...

and we didn't end up using it for any videos. hmmmm...

Baron said...

Me and Heavy use it as video props, but we drink it too. Reluctantly... (as I said, that jar has lasted for ages, the 4 bottles of Sailor Jerry rhum I bought lasted about 5 minutes...)

DeG said...

I feel ashamed that I live in Georgia. You guys know I'm not a native here, right? :-)

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