Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Pants on Fire

I've never claimed to be a smart man. I may act holier-than-thou sometimes. But I'm no genius. I doubt I'll be asked to join MENSA any time soon. (or is it NAMBLA? doesn't matter, I'm probably not smart enough to get into either). I don't think I'm stupid per se, I think I am just ignorant. There are a lot of things I just don't know. Here is a perfect example. Apparently there is something called "lying through omission". This is where you keep a secret from someone. It doesn't really even have to be a secret, its just leaving a detail of your life out. I don't know if this applies to every relationship you have..I mean I don't think you have to tell every person you meet everything about yourself. Like say you meet someone at a Christmas party, you wouldn't say..."Hi Jim my name's Bob, I like monster trucks, oyster shooters and D.I.Y." "Nice to meet you Bob, I like corduroy, beagles and golden showers." But I think at some point in your more serious relationships, you are supposed to stop leaving stuff out. I know this applies to romantic relationships and probably familial relationships too.

I have two lives....and I'm pretty sure a couple of you do as well. I have my uke/youtube life, and my family/work life. I'm pretty open about playing the uke, although I find myself choking sometimes when I say the word 'ukulele'. "Kevin do you play any musical instruments?" "yeah....I play the uku...cough cough"..... "the what?..."the ukulele"....silence...."oh, like Tiny Tim"...."yeah, fuck you..." But my you-tube videos stay secret to most of the people in my daily life.

My sister recently came across my you-tube channel. She wasn't pissed off but she said "you don't have to hide things from me". I'm not hiding anything, its not like I'm a serial killer, or a super hero, I don't have sex with animals, and I've never been to Thailand. But we all have some secrets...I mean, right?

We'll since we are all good friends here...It's time we stop lying through I'll go first...

I like the movie An Officer and a Gentleman. I like the Jackson Five. I play online poker, read books about sailing, eat toaster waffles, and sometimes watch Nascar. I listen to talk-radio in the car (liberal), I'm not a fan of big-boobs, or strip clubs, I like to look at maps, and I like Brazilian jazz......oh, and I like beagles.

Your turn


RussBuss said...

you don't have to hide anything from me Boozelle. i know you love the Eagles. didn't you name your sailboat "Witchy Woman"?


Interestingly, Many MENSA members are also members of NAMBLA.

So I've been told.

Adelle the Great said...

Nascar? Really? Unsub.

Baron said...

OK, I have a confession to make too: I only found this article because I was cruising the web for "japanese vomit porn"...

Anonymous said...

I thought NAMBLA was one of the lions in The Lion King. Boy was I surprised.

ukeyermind said...

I get it about the two lives. And I didn't want to be keeping things from anyone. So I decided to tell my whole family and everyone I work with that you play the ukulele.

RussBuss said...

haha, the comments are too good!

DeG said...

I actually used to be in Mensa, but paying $50 a year in dues, just to say I was smart, seemed stupid. So, I quit.

I used to, kinda, not tell people about playing the uke, but it got out, so I just went with it. Turns out most people have a "yeah, that figures" attitude about it...I'm not sure what that means.

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