Ok. I've said it before, "My next uke is either custom, or a top-of-the-line KoAloha D-VI..." Blaa, blaa, blaa. I'm supposed to be saving my pennies for that. But now I want a baritone.
Now that I think about it, I don't think any of us UCB folks have one at all...
The first choice is obvious, Mike and Tookta over at mainland have a nice mahogany baritone now. Even with a case and pick-up, it's still about the best bang for the buck out there. Of course it doesn't get me any closer to my D-VI, but hey - we manage our UAS as best we can.
Any of you have or covet a particular baritone? Do tell...
The only baritone I covet is Frank Sinatra, but he's dead now.
oh and it's a D-VI not a DIV, DVICSI
i have a baritone. it's called my parlor size guitar. (*runs and hides from coyote wrath*)
are you sure you're not looking for a DV/DA?
Nice Bari! I hope you'll let us hear it in a video, soon. I have a Pono Mango and a Pono Mahogany (old design) bari and I love them both! Like to use them when a song is too high to be sung when being played on a c-tuned uke and 5 half-tones deeper often does the trick and doesn't require any transposing then. Yeah, I'm a lazy bastard sometimes... but then again I love my baris! Would love me on of these Mainland baris, too! Can't wait for a sound sample.
I too, would enjoy a sample.
i got that MPM i did a review of which is supposed to be a baritone but it doesn't seem deep enough to me, i think it is some place between tenor and baritone. i'd love one of those mainlands tho.
I havn't made the purchase yet - the D-VI is still calling my name( and thanks Deach, I fixed the typo).
Sigh. I may have to just get both.
I've got a cigar box baritone with a pick-up that Elderly Instruments sells. An amazing bargain at $140. They're made in Michigan, but they won't say by whom. I guessing someone attached to Elderly in some capacity. But it sounds great plugged in, although not much sound unplugged. I used it in my first BTC video: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tYzI4P_KeM0
It's really just a lil' guitar anyway. Get the Mainland and be done with it!
I'll have to get one of those eventually too. There are so many ukes i really want, but then once in a while I'll see a Bari on sale...and...well...you know.....
I wonder what "self control" is like?
I wanted to get one too, but Russ told me baritones are gay... Now I'm all confused.
That's Russ's way of endorsing something, Baron.
i think he misheard me. i said the "baron turned gay", not "baritone gay". in any case, it's time to watch Mamma Mia for the fiftieth time. amirite ladiez?
Now where is that smiley with the bulging eyes???
Still, I would be totally cool with the Baron if he were to turn his backside on the reproductive side of uman relationships. Nothing a few readings of the Script won't cure.
Rep for Russbuss and his word magic. Ah, rep is dead...
Now where is that h when you eed it.
Ack! My n!
I have an old Harmony Baritone. The finish is porous in some places and there are a few cracks but it still sounds sweeeeeet.
It was the first instrument I learned to play.
I have two Baritones. The latest is a Harmony from the local flea market with 50's vintage case $62. SWEET!. I have been doing another blog called Humble Baritonics which is devoted almost exclusively the baritone players. Uki does a mean Nagasaki on his plastic Bari. Tri-Tabs is also posting some QUAD tabs which he does for LowD-GBE tuning. Thanks to RussBuss for some blogger help. Hej till Baron.
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